First stop: California Historical Society.
The audience prepares for speeches, my reading, and the auction! photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Did I mention the donated catering? YUM. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
L Frank entertaining her fans. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Lillian Fleer, awesome Heyday events co-ordinator. |
Our baby. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Jeanine Gendar, my meticulous and generous editor! photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Very sorry to say I've forgotten the names of these two; I'll ask! photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Me and my buds: L Frank, Kim Shuck, Beverly Slapin. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Signing books afterwards; happy as a clam at high tide, as we used to say up around Seattle. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
I was so happy to see Kathleen Smith there - she's the artist whose painting, "August Night," is the cover of my first book of poetry, Indian Cartography. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Lindsie Bear introduced me with her great spirit. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Joanne Campbell, Graton Rancheria Miwok, giving the blessing in her language. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
I had a great time reading from the intro to Bad Indians, and the poem "Teheyapami Achiska." photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
L. Frank (artist, writer, cultural preservationist) and Kimberly Shuck (poet and artist) - lucky me, to have such distinguished friends. photo: D. Miranda |
Awesome Heyday staff Diane Lee and Gayle Wattawa - both amazing women who worked on Bad Indians, and who have gorgeous samples of their work laid out! photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
Malcolm Margolin: my publisher. The man behind the dream. photo: Yuliya Goldshteyn |
The next day, my friend and host Beverly took me to San Francisco City College for a class taught by Jean Ishibashi ("Ish"). What a view from this campus! |
Beverly and me. A special thanks to Beverly for giving me her spare room, feeding me, & driving me everywhere. |
Me and Ish - an incredible woman. Her students are blessed. |
Then I talked a bit about the construction of the book... |
Told the "Yes, Virginia..." story! |
And signed books...(Louise made me the beautiful turtle necklace) |
My Eastwind Books gang! L to R: Harvey (husband of bookstore owner Bea), Louise, Ernie Ramirez, me, Keiko, Ellen, Brian, Beverly, and in front, bookstore owner Bea. The best team ever! |